Not happy with controller support and ready to bring pubg mobile back to pc? here's a guide on how to do exactly that. in a move that surprises almost no one, approximately one week after tencent games and pubg corp released pubg mobile on android and ios, a ton of players have figured. How to fix “device not supported” issue in pubg mobile linjun zheng june 2, 2018 december 28, 2018 comments off on how to fix “device not supported” issue in pubg mobile recently many users have this issue when playing pubg mobile on memu, which shows like this.. Related: if you are playing pubg mobile from your android or ios devices and find yourself without voice chat and microphone support, the following guide has a quick fix you can use to restore voice chat to the game you are currently participating in. you won't have to exit the game or suffer through text communication..
How to fix lag in pubg mobile ! [ ios and android ] share this post. link to post share on other sites. create an account or sign in to comment. you need to be a member in order to leave a comment. create an account. sign up for a new account in our community. it's easy! customer support. With pubg, however, mobile players are running into a different problem: and it's hard to imagine that it won't be a problem with eventual support for bluetooth..